Preparing for lessons through the Daily Lesson Log (DLL) or Detailed Lesson Plan (DLP) and provides teachers with an opportunity for reflection on what learners need to learn, how learners learn, and how best to facilitate the learning process.
Daily Lesson Log (DLL,CG,TG,LM) for Senior High School
Preparing for lessons through the Daily Lesson Log (DLL) or Detailed Lesson Plan (DLP) and provides teachers with an opportunity for reflection on what learners need to learn, how learners learn, and how best to facilitate the learning process.
These guidelines also aim to empower teachers to carry out quality instruction that recognizes the diversity of learners inside the classroom, is committed to learners’ success, allows the use of varied instructional and formative assessment strategies including the use of information and communications technologies (ICTs), and enables the teacher to guide, mentor, and support learners in developing and assessing their learning across the curriculum.
DepEd Order 42, s. 2016 or the Policy Guidelines on Daily Lesson Preparation for the K to 12 Basic Education Program was crafted to help teachers “deliver quality instruction based on the principle of sound instruction planning.”
Daily Lesson Log (DLL) for Senior High School
Sample Scheduling of Subjects Accountancy, Business and Management (ABM) Strand
- Applied Economics DOWNLOAD
- Business Ethics and Social Responsibility DOWNLOAD
- Fundamentals of Accountancy, Business and Management 1 DOWNLOAD
- Fundamentals of Accountancy, Business and Management 2 DOWNLOAD
- Business Math DOWNLOAD
- Business Finance DOWNLOAD
- Organization and Management DOWNLOAD
- Principles of Marketing DOWNLOAD
- Work Immersion/Research/Career Advocacy/Culminating Activity i.e. Business Enterprise Simulation Work Immersion DOWNLOAD Business Enterprise Simulation DOWNLOAD
Sample Scheduling of Subjects Humanities and Social Sciences (HUMSS) Strand
- Creative Writing Download
- Malikhaing Pagsulat DOWNLOAD
- Introduction to World Religions and Belief Systems DOWNLOAD
- Creative Nonfiction DOWNLOAD
- Trends, Networks, and Critical Thinking in the 21st Century Culture DOWNLOAD
- Philippine Politics and Governance DOWNLOAD
- Community Engagement, Solidarity, and Citizenship DOWNLOAD
- Disciplines and Ideas in the Social Sciences DOWNLOAD
- Disciplines and Ideas in the Applied Social Sciences DOWNLOAD
- Work Immersion/Research/Career Advocacy/Culminating Activity Work Immersion DOWNLOAD Culminating Activity DOWNLOAD
Sample Scheduling of Subjects Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics (STEM) Strand
- Pre-Calculus DOWNLOAD
- Basic Calculus DOWNLOAD
- General Biology 1 DOWNLOAD
- General Biology 2 DOWNLOAD
- General Physics 1 DOWNLOAD
- General Physics 2 DOWNLOAD
- General Chemistry 1 and 2 DOWNLOAD
- Work Immersion/Research/Career Advocacy/Culminating Activity Work Immersion DOWNLOAD Research DOWNLOAD
General Academic Strand
- Humanities 1 Updating ...
- Humanities 2 Updating ...
- Social Science 1 Updating ...
- Applied Economics DOWNLOAD
- Organization and Management DOWNLOAD
- Disaster Readiness and Risk Reduction DOWNLOAD
- Elective 1 (from any Track/Strand) Updating ...
- Elective 2 (from any Track/Strand) Updating ...
- Work Immersion/Research/Career Advocacy/Culminating Activity Work Immersion DOWNLOAD
Sample Scheduling of Subjects: Pre-Baccalaureate Maritime
- Pre-Calculus
- Basic Calculus
- General Physics 1 DOWNLOAD
- General Physics 2 DOWNLOAD
- General Chemistry 1
- Introduction to Maritime Career DOWNLOAD
- Introduction to Maritime Safety DOWNLOAD
- Introduction to Marine Transportation and Engineering DOWNLOAD
- Work Immersion/Research/Career Advocacy/Culminating Activity Work Immersion DOWNLOAD
1. Oral Communication – DOWNLOAD
2. Reading and Writing – DOWNLOAD
3. Komunikasyon at Pananaliksik sa Wika at Kulturang Filipino – DOWNLOAD
4. Pagbasa at Pagsusuri ng Iba’t Ibang Teksto Tungo sa Pananaliksik – DOWNLOAD
5. 21st Century Literature from the Philippines and the World – DOWNLOAD
6. Contemporary Philippine Arts from the Regions – DOWNLOAD
7. Media and Information Literacy – DOWNLOAD
8. General Mathematics – DOWNLOAD
9. Statistics and Probability – DOWNLOAD
10. Earth and Life Science – DOWNLOAD
11. Physical Science – DOWNLOAD
12. Introduction to Philosophy of the Human Person / Pambungad sa Pilosopiya ng Tao –DOWNLOAD
13. Physical Education and Health – DOWNLOAD
14. Personal Development / Pansariling Kaunlaran – DOWNLOAD
15. Understanding Culture, Society, and Politics –DOWNLOAD
16. Earth Science (taken instead of Earth and Life Science for those in the STEM Strand) –DOWNLOAD
17. Disaster Readiness and Risk Reduction (taken instead of Physical Science for those in the STEM Strand) –DOWNLOAD
1. Basic Calculus – DOWNLOAD
2. Disaster and Risk Reduction – DOWNLOAD
3. Earth and Life Science – DOWNLOAD
4. Earth Science – DOWNLOAD
5. General Mathematics – DOWNLOAD
6. Pre-calculus – DOWNLOAD
7. Statistics and Probability – DOWNLOAD
1. General Biology 1– DOWNLOAD
2. General Biology 2– DOWNLOAD
3. Physics 1– DOWNLOAD
4. Basic Calculus – DOWNLOAD
5. Pre-calculus – DOWNLOAD
Updated K-12 Curriculum Guides for All Grades
Kindergarten Curriculum Guide
| |
Araling Panlipunan Curriculum Guide
| |
Arts Curriculum Guide
| |
Edukasyon Sa Pagpapakatao Curriculum Guide
| |
English Curriculum Guide
| |
EPP, TLE Curriculum Guide
| |
Filipino Curriculum Guide
| |
Health Curriculum Guide with tagged math equipment
| |
Math Curriculum Guide with tagged math equipment
| |
Mother Tongue Curriculum Guide
| |
Music Curriculum Guide
| |
Physical Education Curriculum Guide
| |
Science Curriculum Guide with tagged SCI equipment
SENIOR HIGH SCHOOL Curriculum Guides
SHS Applied Empowerment Technologies (for the Strand)
| |
SHS Applied English for Academic and Professional Purposes CG
| |
SHS Applied Entrepreneurship CG
| |
SHS Applied Filipino (Akademik) CG
| |
SHS Applied Filipino (Isports) CG
| |
SHS Applied Filipino (Sining) CG
| |
SHS Applied Filipino (Tech-Voc) CG
| |
SHS Applied Inquiries, Investigations and Immersions CG
| |
SHS Applied Research 1 CG
| |
SHS Applied Research 2 CG
SHS Core 21st Century Literature from the Philippines and the World CG
| |
SHS Core Contemporary Philippine Arts from the Regions CG
| |
SHS Core Disaster Readiness and Risk Reduction CG
| |
SHS Core Earth and Life Science CGwith tagged sci equipment
| |
SHS Core Earth Science CG
| |
SHS Core General Math CG
| |
SHS Core Introduction to the Philosophy of the Human Person CG
| |
SHS Core Komunikasyon at Pananaliksik sa Wika at Kulturang Pilipino CG
| |
SHS Core Media and Information Literacy CG
| |
SHS Core Oral Communication CG
| |
SHS Core Pagbasa at Pagsusuri ng Iba’t-Ibang Teksto Tungo sa Pananaliksik CG
| |
SHS Core PE and Health CG
| |
SHS Core Personal Development CG
| |
SHS Core Physical Science CGwith tagged sci equipment
| |
SHS Core Reading and Writing CG
| |
SHS Core Statistics and Probability CG
| |
SHS Core Understanding Culture, Society and Politics CG
Accountancy, Business and Management (ABM STRAND)
ABM Strand Suggested Scheduling of Subjects (revised 16 June 2015)
| |
ABM Applied Economics CG
| |
ABM Business Ethics and Social Responsibility CG
| |
ABM Business Finance CG
| |
ABM Business Math CG
| |
ABM Culminating Activity Business Enterprise Simulation CG
| |
ABM Fundamentals of ABM 1 CG
| |
ABM Fundamentals of ABM 2 CG
| |
ABM Organization and Management CG
| |
ABM Principles of Marketing CG
Humanities and Social Sciences (HUMSS STRAND)
HUMSS Strand Suggested Scheduling of Subjects (revised 16 June 2015)
| |
HUMSS Community Engagement, Solidarity and Leadership CG
| |
HUMSS Creative Nonfiction CG
| |
HUMSS Creative Writing CG
| |
HUMSS Culminating Activity CG
| |
HUMSS Disciplines and Ideas in the Social Sciences CG
| |
HUMSS Introduction to World Religions & Belief Systems CG
| |
HUMSS Philippine Politics and Governance CG
| |
HUMSS Trends, Networks, and Critical Thinking in the 21st Century CG
Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics (STEM STRAND)
STEM Strand Scheduling
| |
STEM Basic Calculus CG
| |
STEM Biology 1 CG with tagged sci equipment
| |
STEM Biology 2 CG with tagged sci equipment
| |
STEM Gen Chem 1 and 2 CG with tagged sci equipment
| |
STEM Physics 1 CG
| |
STEM Physics 2 CG
| |
STEM Pre-Calculus CG
| |
STEM Research or Capstone Project CG
Technical-Vocational Livelihood Track
Agricultural Crops Production (NC I)
| |
Agricultural Crops Production (NC II)
| |
Agricultural Crops Production (NC III)
| |
Animal Health Care Management (NC III)
| |
Animal Production (Poultry-Chicken) (NC II)
| |
Animal Production (Ruminants) (NC II)
| |
Animal Production (Swine) (NC II)
| |
Aquaculture (NC II)
| |
Artificial Insemination (Ruminants) (NC II)
| |
Artificial Insemination (Swine) (NC II)
| |
Fish Capture (NC II)
| |
Fishing Gear Repair and Maintenance (NC III)
| |
Fish-Products Packaging (NC II)
| |
Fish Wharf Operation (NC I)
| |
Food Processing (NC II)
| |
Horticulture (NC III)
| |
Landscape Installation and Maintenance (NC II)
| |
Organic Agriculture (NC II)
| |
Pest Management (NC II)
| |
Rice Machinery Operation (NC II)
| |
Rubber Processing (NC II)
| |
Rubber Production (NC II)
| |
Slaughtering Operations (NC II)
Home Economics
Attractions and Theme Parks (NC II)
| |
Barbering (NC II)
| |
Bartending (NC II)
| |
Beauty/Nail Care (NC II)
| |
Bread and Pastry Production (NC II)
| |
Caregiving (NC II)
| |
Commercial Cooking (NC III)
| |
Cookery (NC II)
| |
Dressmaking (NC II)
| |
Events Management Services (NC III)
| |
Fashion Design (Apparel) (NC III)
| |
Food and Beverage Services (NC II)
| |
Front Office Services (NC II)
| |
Hairdressing (NC II)
| |
Hairdressing (NC III)
| |
Handicraft (Basketry, Macrame) (Non-NC)
| |
Handicraft (Fashion Accessories, Paper Craft) (Non-NC)
| |
Handicraft (Needlecraft) (Non-NC)
| |
Handicraft (Woodcraft, Leathercraft) (Non-NC)
| |
Housekeeping (NC II)
| |
Local Guiding Services (NC II)
| |
Tailoring (NC II)
| |
Tourism Promotion Services (NC II)
| |
Travel Services (NC II)
| |
Wellness Massage (NC II)
Information and Communications Technology (ICT)
Animation (NC II)
| |
Broadband Installation (Fixed Wireless Systems) (NC II)
| |
Computer Programming (.net Technology) (NC III)
| |
Computer Programming (Java) (NC III)
| |
Computer Programming (Oracle Database) (NC III)
| |
Computer Systems Servicing (NC II)
| |
Contact Center Services (NC II)
| |
Illustration (NC II)
| |
Medical Transcription (NC II)
| |
Technical Drafting (NC II)
| |
Telecom OSP and Subscriber Line Installation (Copper Cable/POTS and DSL) (NC II)
| |
Telecom OSP Installation (Fiber Optic Cable) (NC II)
Industrial Arts
Automotive Servicing (NC I)
| |
Automotive Servicing (NC II)
| |
Carpentry (NC II)
| |
Carpentry (NC III)
| |
Construction Painting (NC II)
| |
Domestic Refrigeration and Air-conditioning (DOMRAC) Servicing (NC II)
| |
Driving (NC II)
| |
Electrical Installation and Maintenance (NC II)
| |
Electric Power Distribution Line Construction (NC II)
| |
Electronic Products Assembly and Servicing (NC II)
| |
Furniture Making (Finishing) (NC II)
| |
Instrumentation and Control Servicing (NC II)
| |
Gas Metal Arc Welding (GMAW) (NC II)
| |
Gas Tungsten Arc Welding (GTAW) (NC II)
| |
Machining (NC I)
| |
Machining (NC II)
| |
Masonry (NC II)
| |
Mechatronics Servicing (NC II)
| |
Motorcycle/Small Engine Servicing (NC II)
| |
Plumbing (NC I)
| |
Plumbing (NC II)
| |
Refrigeration and Air-Conditioning (Packaged Air-Conditioning Unit [PACU]/Commercial Refrigeration Equipment [CRE]) Servicing (NC III)
| |
Shielded Metal Arc Welding (NC I)
| |
Shielded Metal Arc Welding (NC II)
| |
Tile Setting (NC II)
| |
Transmission Line Installation and Maintenance (NC II)
TVL Maritime
Navigational Watch 1
| |
Navigational Watch 2
| |
Navigational Watch 3
| |
Engine Watch 1
| |
Engine Watch 2
| |
Safety 1
| |
Safety 2
| |
Ship’s Catering Services (NC I)
Sports Track
Safety and First Aid
| |
Human Movement
| |
Fundamentals of Coaching
| |
Sports Officiating and Activity Management
| |
Fitness, Sports and Recreation Leadership
| |
Psychosocial Aspects of Sports and Exercise
| |
Fitness Testing and Basic Exercise Programming
| |
Practicum (in-campus)
Arts and Design Track
Creative Industries I: Arts and Design Appreciation and Production
| |
Creative Industries II: Performing Arts
| |
Physical and Personal Development in the Arts
| |
Developing Filipino Identity in the Arts
| |
Integrating the Elements and Principles of Organization in the Arts
| |
Leadership and Management in Different Arts Fields
Apprenticeship and Exploration of Different Arts Fields
Media Arts and Visual Arts
| |
Literary Arts
| |
| |
| |
Exhibit for Arts Production
Media and Visual Arts
| |
Literary Arts
Work Immersion/Research/Career Advocacy/Culminating Activityi.e. Exhibit for Arts Production/Performing Arts Production
Performing Arts Production
| |