Class advisers are instructed to use the School and ALS Forms used last SY 2017-2018 as stated in DM-PFO-2018-0411 (LIS School Forms Rep...
Class advisers are instructed to use the School and ALS Forms used last SY 2017-2018 as stated in DM-PFO-2018-0411 (LIS School Forms Report Generation) issued in March 24, 2019. Class advisers are likewise allowed to adjust/correct the discrepancies in LIS generated school forms.
LIS School Forms Report Generation For SY 2018-2019
DepEd's instruction on manual preparation of School Forms due to LIS website system issues relative to the preparation of school forms for SY 2018-2019 and difficulty in downloading LIS generated school forms, selected provisions from DepEd Order No. 11, s. 2018, specifically on the generation of pre-loaded to data of learners is relaxed. This is in response to system issues being currently addressed by the Information Communication Technology Service (ICTS).In this light, for SY 2018-2019, class advisers are instructed to use the School and ALS Forms used last SY 2017-2018 as stated in DM-PFO-2018-0411 (LIS School Forms Report Generation) issued in March 24, 2019. Class advisers are likewise allowed to adjust/correct the discrepancies in LIS generated school forms.
For accountability, school system administrator shall sign all accomplished SFs. Likewise, he/she shall provide notation on the discrepancy in the LIS vis-a-vis manually prepared SFs. On the other hand, all school heads shall ensure that all adjustments will be reflected in the LIS once system issues are addressed.
For information and compliance.