CSC Exam Results: August 2019 – Career Service Examination-Pen and Paper Test (CSE-PPT) The Civil Service Commission (CSC) will release th...
CSC Exam Results: August 2019 – Career Service Examination-Pen and Paper Test (CSE-PPT)
LIST OF PASSERS: August 2019 Career Service Examination-Pen and Paper Test (CSE-PPT)
Civil Service Exam schedule, application, requirements
CSC confirmed that approximately 276,000 examinees took the August 2019 Career Service Examination-Pen and Paper Test. 243,000 examinees in the Professional level while 33,000 examinees for the Subprofessional level.
Release of Exam Results
According to the CSC examinees guide in taking the August 2019 CSE through examination advisory No. 10 series of 2019, the target release of August 4, 2019 Civil Service Exam or CSE the exam results will be released within 60 days after the examination through posting the list of passers in the CSC website, probably from October 1-3, 2019.
"The List of Passers shall be uploaded/posted on the CSC website within 60 days after the examination," sated in bulletin.
Our Projection:
Official results can be expected from September 30 (Monday) until October 3 (Friday). Since the total number of Civil Service Exam CSE-PPT examinees increased this time, the assumption is CSC needs more days before they release the results.

The Civil Service Commission (CSC) will release the result of August 2019 Civil Service Exam results or Career Service Examination-Pen and Paper Test (CSE-PPT) for Professional and Subprofessional levels on or before October 3, 2019 (Thursday), or within 60 days after the exams. The CSE list of passers, topnotch (top 10) for professional and sub-professional level will also be posted on this page once available.
"The List of Passers shall be posted within 60 days after the examination," the Civil Service Commission (CSC) confirmed through Examination Announcement No. 09 , series of 2018.
CSC administered the second second CSE-PPT this year was conducted in at least 63 testing centers nationwide on Sunday, August 4. A total of 276,819 hopefuls took the recent civil service exam: 243,020 examinees for the Professional level and 33,799 examinees for the Subprofessional level. This is the highest number of exam takers in the history of CSE-PPT.
CSC announced that passers who got at least 80 percent score will be eligible for a position in the civil service provided they meet the qualifications and other requirements - education, training and experience.
LIST OF PASSERS: August 2019 Career Service Examination-Pen and Paper Test (CSE-PPT)
- NCR - Prof
- NCR - Sub-Prof
- Region 1 - Professional
- Region 1 - Sub-Professional
- Region 2 - Professional
- Region 2 - Sub-Professional
- Region 3 - Professional
- Region 3 - Sub-Professional
- Region 4 - Professional
- Region 4 - Sub-Professional
- Region 5 - Professional
- Region 5 - Sub-Professional
- Region 6 - Professional
- Region 6 - Sub-Professional
- Region 7 - Professional
- Region 7 - Sub-Professional
- Region 8 - Professional
- Region 8 - Sub-Professional
- Region 9 - Professional
- Region 9 - Sub-Professional
- Region 10 - Professional
- Region 10 - Sub-Professional
- Region 11 - Professional
- Region 11 - Sub-Professional
- Region 12 - Professional
- Region 12 - Sub-Professional
- Top 10 Passers: August 2019 Civil Service Exam Professional Level
- Top 10 Passers: August 2019 Civil Service Exam Sub-Professional Level
- Verification of Rating (OCSERGS): August 2019 Civil Service Exam
Civil Service Exam schedule, application, requirements
CSC confirmed that approximately 276,000 examinees took the August 2019 Career Service Examination-Pen and Paper Test. 243,000 examinees in the Professional level while 33,000 examinees for the Subprofessional level.
Release of Exam Results
According to the CSC examinees guide in taking the August 2019 CSE through examination advisory No. 10 series of 2019, the target release of August 4, 2019 Civil Service Exam or CSE the exam results will be released within 60 days after the examination through posting the list of passers in the CSC website, probably from October 1-3, 2019.
"The List of Passers shall be uploaded/posted on the CSC website within 60 days after the examination," sated in bulletin.
Our Projection:
Official results can be expected from September 30 (Monday) until October 3 (Friday). Since the total number of Civil Service Exam CSE-PPT examinees increased this time, the assumption is CSC needs more days before they release the results.