Deped Omnibus Certification of Authenticity and Veracity of Documents The Omnibus Certification of Authenticity and Veracity of Documents ...
Deped Omnibus Certification of Authenticity and Veracity of Documents
We provided here samples of the said Deped Omnibus Certification of Authenticity and Veracity of Documents. Feel free to download and share.
Omnibus Certification of Authenticity and Veracity of Documents V2
Omnibus Certification of Authenticity and Veracity of Documents V3
Omnibus Certification of Authenticity and Veracity of Documents V4
The Omnibus Certification of Authenticity and Veracity of Documents is a legal document executed by an applicant authorizing the Department of Education to verify the authenticity of his / her documents submitted for applying teaching position or promotion.
We provided here samples of the said Deped Omnibus Certification of Authenticity and Veracity of Documents. Feel free to download and share.
I, _______________, Filipino, of legal age, with permanent address at ________________, after being sworn in accordance with law, hereby depose and state that:
1. I am applying for ____________________ at _________________________, Position Name of School ______________________________; Address of School
2. I have submitted the following documents:
2.1 CSC Form 212 (revised 2017) in two copies with the latest 2×2 ID picture
2.2 Certified photocopy of PRC Professional Identification Card (PIC)
2.3 Certified photocopy of ratings obtained Licensure Examination for Teachers (LET)
2.4 Certified copy of Official Transcript of Records
2.5 Copies of service record/certificate of employment
2.6 Certificates of specialized trainings
2.7 Certified copy of Voter’s ID and /or any proof of residency
2.8 NBI Clearance
3. I am executing this Certification to attest to the authenticity and veracity of all documents submitted.
4. By executing this Omnibus Certification of Authenticity and Veracity of Documents, I hereby authorize the Department of Education, Division of _____________, to verify the authenticity of the above-mentioned documents.
Signature over printed name
SUBSCRIBED AND SWORN to before me in City / Municipality of ________________ this _____ day of __________, 2020, affiant exhibiting to me his/her Community Tax Certificate No. ________ issued on ______________ at ________________, Philippines.
Notary Public
SUBSCRIBED AND SWORN to before me in City / Municipality of ________________ this _____ day of __________, 2020, affiant exhibiting to me his/her Community Tax Certificate No. ________ issued on ______________ at ________________, Philippines.
Notary Public
DOWNLOAD Omnibus Certification of Authenticity and Veracity of Documents
Omnibus Certification of Authenticity and Veracity of Documents V1Omnibus Certification of Authenticity and Veracity of Documents V2
Omnibus Certification of Authenticity and Veracity of Documents V3
Omnibus Certification of Authenticity and Veracity of Documents V4