Airing of DepEd TV Episodes The Offrce of the Undersecretary for Administration (OUA) through the Information and Communicatrons Technolor...
Airing of DepEd TV Episodes

The Offrce of the Undersecretary for Administration (OUA) through the Information and Communicatrons Technolory Service (ICTS) announces the following episodes to be broadcasted daily from 8:0OAM to 6:3OPM on 1 1-21 August 2O20 (except weekends) via IBC-13 and Solar:
The Regions are encouraged to broadcast these episodes with local TV and Radio stations following the same schedules. Ready-to-broadcast materials containing both video and audio lectures can be downloaded at https:/ / /DeuEdVAlectures on 10 August 2O20. Mondav. The video and audio lectures will be published in the DepEd Commons (https: / / on 10 August 2O2O in compressed formats that can be viewed using iaptops, tablets, or cellphones. Ready to print Self-Learning Modules and Electronic SeIf Learning Modules covering the first week of classes on 24-28 August 2020 will also be published in the DepEd Commons. For immediate dissemination and appropriate action..